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Best Amazon FBA Courses (With In-Depth Summaries/Reviews of Each One)

For the past several years, a partner and I stepped hard into the Amazon Marketplace, and since knowledge is power, we went through a lot of FBA courses to fine-tune our product listings and shipping procedures.
In this review, I will cover the 6 Best FBA Courses to take in 2020 below:
From 2016 until recently, I dove deep into the Amazon FBA world to really get a feel for how to do it but also to see how it compared to my first business model.
These are the "big guns" of the Amazon Private Label Community, and I not only rank them here, but I also offer full, in-depth reviews for each of them as well as quick bio of each Amazon coaches.
To show you that I am qualified to write these reviews, you should know that my partner and I have created two 6-figure product lines on Amazon.
So I have been very active as a seller on Amazon, using the fulfillment services offered by Bezos' company.
That said, I am not a know-it-all type guru, just a millennial intent on maximizing the value of the internet.
The Bottom line:
All I can give you is my own experience and reflections on what has worked best for my business. (If you want the in-depth story on one of my FBA products, read up on my Amazon Case Study)
Read My Amazon Case Study Here
Reminder: I'm not an affiliate to any FBA course.
Wondering what criteria I use to evaluate each course?
I rate my courses based on the presence and quality of:
My goal is that this bird's eye view into each FBA course will enable you to pick the online training program that is right for you and your situation.
Not one of these FBA courses is right for everyone, as each course instructor has their own teaching style that jives best with certain personalities better than others.
At the end of this post, I show you why lead generation is still my top recommendation in 2020. (aka how it stacks up against Amazon FBA)
But first things first:
My Top 6 FBA courses for 2020
6.) Amazon FBA Ninja by Kevin David
Course length: 10 hours and 19 minutes. Price: $3,997 (but often 50% off on the website)
The FBA Ninja Masterclass does have some holes, but Kevin displays his brilliance when it comes to his FB Ads Training that he includes.
Kevin doesn't pull an punches, he's more of a straight-to-the-point personality type. His videos aren't long and drawn out, but use time efficiently.
If you are an apply-it-on-the-fly kind of person, you'll definitely enojy the spped at which Kevin delivers his education.
Are you the reading type?
Looking for written course content?
Kevin shows a lot of value here as well providing pdfs in most of his modules. But as a heads up, there's unique content in both the vids and papers, so to get the max value, you should both watch and read.
I'd say this course is for you if you can handle a firehose of rapid fire information. If you're a little on the ADD side (as I am), you'll not be bored like in your senior year english classes.
You do need to be able to take concepts and run with them, problem solving as you go, as Kevin doesn't cover all the hypotheticals in his mini-lectures.
Just be ready to run with your laptop, paper and pen if you opt-in to this course.
Overall, the Amazon FBA Ninja Course is affordably priced and enables you to exchange gold nuggets with other Private Label Ninjas in the FB group.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
Just like his Lambo, this course is Fast and Furious! If you are ready to rapidly build an FBA business, you'll enjoy Kevin David's ninja approach. #thatlifestyleninja
Just as a warning, Kevin teaches a product selection model that worked really well in 2017 when the marketplaces was not nearly as crowded as it is now and Chinese Suppliers weren't selling their own products on Amazon (like many are doing now).
But if you find a substitute product selection method, you'll have most of what you need.
Click Here to Read My Full In-Depth Review
5.) Nine University 2.0 - Kale & Taylor
Course length: 16 hours of Video Content Price: $1,997
Kale and Taylor's Nine University 2.0 does have some age to it being made in 2017, but K&T have come back and updated their course, providing more details in certain modules like adding more research techniques to their product selection section.
One helpful hack that you might appreciate if you are new to the FBA game is to be sure that you ask your supplier for both the unit price and the shipping price of your products.
**Warning: Kale is sometimes a little short with his explanations, leaving out some of the risks of his suggestions, like the fact that adding icons to listings could get your listing shut down (per Amazon's TOS). *\*
Kale & Taylor do a pretty good job at covering a lot of the details product listing construction as well as providing specific suggestions on product shipping and packaging, like how to tell your supplier where to label your items and proactively fixing some of the issues that shipping your products via plane brings.
Finally, if you need motivation or hype, this course is for you! Kale brings the fire in nearly every lesson he teaches!
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
Overall, KT Nine's course provides value, but for what it is it's overpriced.
Nine University 2.0 does include a couple of helpful bonuses (Quick Start Bootcamp and FB Ads Mini Course) that increase the value of the their course a bit.
Since they have gone through and updated their course, it is current for 2020.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
4.) FBA Sales Accelerator - Ryan Rigney
Course length: 14 hours and 29 minutes. Price: $495 (1-on-1 coaching is extra)
The FBA Sales Accelerator does have some holes, but Kevin displays his brilliance when it comes to his FB Ads Training that he includes.
Ryan's course is clearly laid out from A to Z, covering most of what's needed to get going on Amazon, but it's important to note that Ryan has geared his course to help those who are already selling a product or two on Amazon.
If you already have the basics of FBA, this course might provide the next level for you as Ryan shows how to get more traffic (from Facebook) and get more reviews (using Many Chat and his own SaaS, BoostRooster).
I'd say this course is for you if you can appreciate an amazon seller being fairly open about how they do their own business.
While he's not quite as vulnerable as Tim Sanders (Private Label Masters), he does share what's working for him and which platforms he focuses the majority of his attention on.
Ryan's a pro at bringing in external traffic onto Amazon (which helps his products pop to the top).
In addition to FB Ad training, he also provides insight on how to partner with Instagram Influencers such as what reasonable to pay them.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
Ryan provides excellent material for those who are in the intermediate stages of buidling their Amazon FBA businesses.
His course is not for those who are just getting started as he doesn't spend much time on the basics (product selection, listing creation, etc.)
He does provide excellent value through his brand mindset trainings.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
3.) Amazing Selling Machine (ASM 11)
Course length: 19 hours Price: $5,000 (USD)
Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback started selling on Amazon in 2012.
Matt was already making money via private label on Amazon at the time and Jason had a history of selling educational materials on the internet dating back to 2003.
Matt brought Jason on because Jason wanted to learn to sell on Amazon and allegedly, sell he did. A variety of sources on the web indicate that he was soon doing 100k in revenue each month.
That same year, 2012, the two put together the Amazing Selling Machine and the rest seems to be history.
When I started on Amazon in 2016, I went through their course and it helped me get the basics of selling on Jeff's ginormous platform.
The instructors (Rich Henderson and Mike McClary) do a very thorough job teaching the fundamentals of marketing private label items via FBA.
The fact that the course is taught by someone other than the founders (who are supposedly super successful on the platform) is a red flag to me, because that begs the question, do they really know what they are talking about?
But I saw a lot of reviews of people becoming successful through the course when I began looking into selling FBA in late 2015 (when starting a business, due diligence is a must, my first coaching program taught me that).
And it was through ASM in 2016 that I got my start in FBA.
Over the next 24 months, I built 2 brands to 6-figures.
Where the Amazing Selling Machine course falls short is that every year they proclaim to "update it," but really they simply add a few other features (like the "Profit Miner" chrome extension you can now get for free on their website if you opt in to their email list).
So when you buy into it now, you essentially get an old course (albeit a massive old course because of the add-ons) with some bells and whistles. #profitminer
The way I like to think of ASM now is as a 100 level, gen-ed college course.
You get the basics of the field, which is really helpful, but the practical strategies are outdated because it took so long for the course to be packaged and approved by the board of directors before it could be offered.
So it's a really beneficial course, even today, because of the grand perspective it gives you of the way that Amazon Private Label works.
The primary barrier to success is the same as with the FBA Ninja course:
Biggest Barrier to Success
The product selection process is outdated as the market has become super competitive for products sourced through Alibaba (a platform that connects sellers selling in the US market with inexpensive manufacturers and suppliers based in China).
The Amazon Marketplace will only become more crowded because the Chinese suppliers themselves are learning to sell on Amazon therefore being able to offer the same product at lower costs to the shoppers, essentially undercutting private label sellers.
Why might you want to be in ASM 11?
If you want to get a well-rounded education on the FBA system and a lot of what's involved in selling on Amazon, this course will really help you get there, but it's unlikely that you'll be able to successfully select your products through the strategies taught in the course.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issues
I got my start with ASM because the strategy worked back then.
It's still a great course to get most of your FBA education from (setting up your biz license, launching your product, etc.)
But remember, it's a gen ed course.
You'll have to take more if you want to be successful on Amazon in 2020.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
2.) Product University by Sophie Howard
Course length: 26 hours Price: $3,495
Product University was made in 2016 by Sophie Howard, an Amazon Seller based in New Zealand, selling into both the US and the AU marketplaces as well as her home country.
Sophie started on amazon part-time in 2014 while she was on maternity leave from her job.
She scaled quickly and established her first brand, Higher Tea.
It's a consumable, responsibly sourced, organic tea so it demands ongoing sales as well as it has a unique appeal to those who want to enjoy health and take pride in supporting ethical manufacturing.
Sophie says that while she was able to get into tea when she started, she wouldn't recommend it now as the category is supersaturated.
Sophie doesn't teach how to set your Seller Account or how to get a business license, or other basic things like that, because, she says, you can find those resources elsewhere.
She shares her experience and really helps you discover markets to sell products to that are hard for copy-catting dealers to mimic because they don't have access to your uniquely sourced products.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issue
If you are willing to take on the basics yourself, like how to set up your account and your basic amazon listing, Sophie will give you the strategies to create brands that sell well for the long haul, and being able to exit as she does, building a brand worth 7 figures, then selling it off to an interested corporation.
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
1.) Private Label Masters by Tim Sanders
Course length: 20 hours and 18 minutes. Price: $4,997
Private Label Masters is taught by Tim Sanders.
Tim has been selling on Amazon since 2016 and was able to rapidly scale his business so that in less than a year he had achieved an upper 6 figure revenue.
Tim's course is well-structured with 8 sequential modules, covering the ins and outs of selling on Amazon, with the exception of teaching a strategy that is losing effectiveness rapidly as more sellers enter the Amazon arena.
Tim over-delivers in this course in a few areas:
If you are seriously considering going into Amazon FBA, then this is one of the better courses out there.
The Bottom Line
Best selling point
Biggest Issue
Tim's course is an excellent one for learning the entire process of FBA from start to finish.
You can get it at a affordable price. (When I called their sales department, they offered $1,500 off if I bought the course on the call).
But before you and buy it, be sure to take into account the additional costs of selling on Amazon (FBA fees, product cost, packaging design, pay-per-click ads).
Click Here to Read Our Full In-Depth Review
So, Which FBA Course is right for you?
If you are low on dough, you could go with Ryan's FBA Sales Accelerator, which offers some sound strategies that are current to selling on Amazon in 2020.
But with FBA, you don't just need the right education.
I'm not going to lie to you...
To really get a solid start you need money.
I realize that this thought is not popular as it would be more acceptable to be all rah rah, saying,
"Go out and achieve your dreams! You can do it!"
But that's not why you are here.
You chose to read this because you want to start an online business that will generate income to fund your lifestyle, whatever that may be.
And if you want to eventually start a collection of products on Amazon because that's what really makes your heart sing, then please don't take what comes next as a damper on your dreams, but choose to see it as your path to success, actually doing the things that you dream of.
To truly get started well on Amazon, you need more than most course sellers will tell you.
In my experience, most course creators seem to say you can get started with a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.
In my experienced opinion, that number is actually higher.
To do FBA well, you need 15,000 dollars, the reason being that once you have bought a course for 3.5k, then you only have 11.5k left for actually building your business, which, in real life, is a really a tight budget because you have to take into account the fact that you probably will have to launch multiple products to find one that really sells.
Want an example?
Check this out:
Sophie has pushed over 500 items into Amazon's marketplaces.
Do you think all of them sell super well?
Hell no!
(That would be awesome, but does real life turn out that way?
No, not very often.
The truth is much more grim:
Some of the launched items sell more than others, while still others don't sell at all.
In my own experience, I had launched 3 products before I saw my first sales on Amazon.
What I've found and others as well is that it often requires testing the market to find "home-run" products.
Think of it as trying different lures to see what the fish in Bezo's ocean will bite.
Baiting the FBA hook (to continue the analogy), takes a good deal of money and time, that, honestly, most people in our world today don't have.
But those who have the funds end up putting up many different listings and launching a multiplicity of products into the marketplace at once.
And to be completely candid with you, if I didn't already have money coming in via my first business, lead generation, I wouldn't have had the money to become successful on Amazon.
And to illustrate that, check this out:
My FBA Experience Selling Honey on Amazon
At the start of this article, I let it slip that I've sold products on Amazon for nearly 4 years.
One of them was organic honey.
I saw the thousands of health gurus were touting the importance of eating clean, organic foods and started scoping in on potential FBA products.
After looking high and low all over the web, my product idea ending up coming from a trip to my grocery store.
I was picking up some fruit when I noticed a sign next to me promoting locally produced sticky sweetness: organic honey.
Upon reaching out the supplier, I did some due diligence, learning how many units were sold at one time (MOQ) as well as how much they'd charge to ship it stateside ($$$)
After verifying that hordes of honey-hungry vegans were shopping Amazon, I sketched out a list of what needed to be done before I could expect my first sale:
B4-FBA-Money To-Do List:
  1. Complete Product Due Diligence
  2. Create Product Listing (Optimized Title, 6 Bullet Points, 400 word description, back-end keywords as well as 3 kinds of images)
  3. Purchase UPC's and Get FNSKU Labels from Seller Central
  4. Arrange for Freight Forwarder to Pick Product from Port and send to Amazon (aka lots of phone calls and emails)
  5. Create Amazon Sponsored Pay-Per-Click Campaigns (both Auto and Manual)
  6. Monitor PPC Ad Spend
  7. Construct Review Funnel System (with Product Insert)
  8. Track the Locations of Shipments
  9. Be Mindful of Product Inventory Levels
  10. Handle Out-of-Stock Situations
With all that going on, I felt like a juggler riding a unicycle on a never-ending treadmill: never any time to travel or spend time with friends. #nopassivity
But after some 8 months and about 13k out the door spent on inventory and product launch, I had things jumping.
9 months into the organic honey venture, I had my first sale!
Thanks to me split testing my main product image and the fact that it was April, the peak of allergy season
The best month was over 52k in sales in 30 days!
It looks like an FBA success story, doesn't it?
But tap the brakes a minute, and take a look at how my costs & profits breakdown:
What?! 36 G's! you'd think I must have been rolling in the dough, right?! Oh wait, Amazon Fees...
Total Amazon Fees: $11,328.5
Referral Fees: 18% of Overall Sales ($9404.40)
Fulfillment Fees: $5.42/pack, since each pack was a hair under 3lbs ($1,924.10)
Sponsored Ad Cost: 14,264.37
Total Costs: $25,592.87
Left over net profit: $11,131
$11,131 in a single month sounds pretty good on the surface, but for the 2 years I sold organic honey, that was my highest month.
My partner and I also did all the work ourselves, so the time per hour didn't really add up to much between us.
This is when I began to realize how low the true profit margins of a physical products business really are.
3 Reasons Why Selling on Amazon is difficult:
1. Yes, you can have some high dollar months, but seasonality is a bitch.
2. If you do find a home-run product, you can be certain that someone else will come along and copy your product.
3. Constantly trying to stay ahead of the competition is exhausting. It takes tons of energy, focus and a little hope...
Yes, I did make a few bucks during that month, but if I factor in the dollars I spent on testing different variations of my product listing (swapping images and copy), the money definitely wasn't the gangsta income I'd hoped for.
I also learned that customer service wasn't my thing. The world of dealing with reviews and product refunds sucked the energy from me like a vacuum on carpet.
When I wrapped up the organic honey excursion, I understood that to bank on Amazon, you won't get rich off of a single product.
You need to scale from 1 item to 10 while keeping your eyes peeled for more product opportunities.
Is it worth it?
In my opinion, since I've done both, Amazon FBA is waaay better than having a 9-5 job as I'm pretty sure that anything is better than being stuck in that office.
That might be why so many of these FBA courses sell so well.
Many people want the freedom that running their own business can provide: like choosing what hours they work or how much money they want to earn.
Nobody wants to be just a cog in a wheel.
On the other hand, the FBA model wasn't cutting it. It took too much time and energy for the (lack of) desired results.
If you want more details on what it takes to start an Amazon FBA business, I wrote a guide on the entire process. Just click the button below:
Read My Amazon FBA Guide Here
Competitors Copying Your Private Label Business
Most FBA courses, even the best ones like the Amazing Selling Machine and Private Label Masters, teach the method of researching the competition and copying what other FBA sellers have already made. Tim calls it "market intelligence."
But here's the kicker
You can literally copy & paste someone's private label product in a matter of hours by matching their Amazon product on the popular FBA seller outlet, Alibaba.
I found this one in 10 minutes.
This copy and paste method literally takes all the guess work out of it. There's no skill involved. Even a teenage could do it.
In fact, check this out:
While this "Xerox Private Label" method sounds great on the surface, I'm not a fan.
Here's why:
What's to stop another seller from copy and pasting your private label business?
This makes Amazon FBA a short term play at best because:
A business model that allows someone to enter the space and literally clone your entire business in a matter of hours, simply cannot be a long-term income strategy.
Think about it
As time goes on, the niche becomes saturated, Amazon's Pay-Per-Click pricing will increase, and the product will no longer be profitable to sell.
That being said, the power players on Amazon create long lasting businesses by investing large amounts of money in creating their own unique products and supply lines that make duplication extremely difficult.
And to do that, you not only need to be an innovator, but also have at least $27k for the development and production.
When it comes to business, you don't want things to be "easy."
Key Takeaway
My rule of thumb is: If everyone can do it, you probably shouldn't. #saturation
Why do you think doctors make a boatload of money throughout their careers?
Because they've developed skills that few people have.
That's why I put my chips on businesses that actually require a high skill level to leverage, like lead generation. It's almost impossible for a person to come in and "Xerox" your business.
What is Lead Generation Exactly?
I'm not a fan of copy and paste business models.
So as of 2020, I'm putting my entire attention on lead generation, which has always provided the best ROI.
Here's how it works
You build and rank simple websites at the top of Google that send customers to small businesses.
Lead generation still has both a high profit margin because we use free traffic to generate leads
Once you rank these sites, they have a high level of passivity, because after the site clicks into the top, you don't need to touch it.
Here's a site that I made in 2015 and haven't touched since
Here's a few more reasons why I value lead generation over Amazon FBA...
Why Lead Generation Over Amazon FBA?
Amazon FBA
Lead Generation
Don't get me wrong
I made some good money with FBA, but the need to constantly monitor the metrics (inventory, ad spend, etc.), I cashed out.
That's why I believe that many FBA sellers switch to offering courses sharing how to sell on Amazon, as the digital courses offer a much simpler (and more profitable) way to make money online.
But not everyone has an expertise that can be easily packaged into a ecourse.
Lead generation is a lean and mean business model because you are repeating 6 simple steps over and over
These are the top reasons why the lead generation model remains my #1 recommendation in 2020.
Want more details?
Check out how I went from 32k per year to 32k per month in 24 months via the link below:
Source: Local Lead Generation Course – Top Marketing Coaching Program
submitted by Ippei_Kanehara to reviewsforyou [link] [comments]

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Salam Admin GuruKartu.Com
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Free casino games faq
How can you play slots and other casino games for free?
It is very easy to play slots and other casino games in our free games section. You don't have to download or install any programs. Just follow these simple instructions: check the list of games or select the one you want to play, touch it and the game will download, ready for you to enjoy. Then you just have to press the "spin" button if you play a slot machine, place your bet or start the round if you opt for a table game.
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No, it is not possible. Free casino games are roughly the same as you can find in online casinos, but without betting real money. When you load any of these games, you receive a specified amount of virtual currency that has no real value. You can play and increase your balance, but you can never withdraw the money accumulated in these games.
If you want to play for free and have a chance to win real money, we suggest you check our list of no deposit bonuses, which contains free money and spins bonus offers. These can be achieved by creating a new casino account and, if you win a prize, you can withdraw the money obtained.
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No, you don't have to download anything. All the games in our database work from the browser and do not require any download or installation. However, some of the older games require the Flash player, so you may have to download it if you want to enjoy these games and do not have Flash installed on your computer. If you are using a mobile device, you will not have to install anything, since the Flash player is not compatible with these devices.
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Our free casino games database contains slots, roulette games, blackjack, baccarat, craps, bingo, keno, scratch cards, video poker, and other types of games. The vast majority of games are slot machines, which is completely understandable if we consider that they are the most popular online casino games. Free roulette is also quite popular.
What game providers can I find at Casino Guru?
Our database contains the most popular casino game providers. You can find games from companies like NetEnt, Playtech, Microgaming, Big Time Gaming, Novomatic, etc., but also titles from lesser-known providers like Kajot, EGT or Amatic. In other words, if there is a free version of the game from a certain provider, it is more than likely that we have it in our database. You can apply the filters you want or use the search function to find what interests you the most.
Do the free games work the same as the real money versions?
The vast majority of free casino games have the same behavior as the real money versions. They have the same symbols on the reels, the same pay table and they work in an identical way. This is very important for players, as free games allow you to try them out before betting for real money, and if they had different mechanics, they could be misleading.
However, there are some exceptions. Some game providers allow casinos to choose between different versions of the same game, each with a different RTP. This means that the game you bet on for real money can theoretically have a lower RTP than the free version. Still, this is not something that affects all providers, but it is worth keeping in mind. We suggest you check the RTP at the online casino of your choice, if only to make sure.
submitted by sabbirmanik1010 to u/sabbirmanik1010 [link] [comments]

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submitted by gurukartu to u/gurukartu [link] [comments]

Diabetes Freedom Review: Does This Diet Work?

Diabetes Freedom Review: Does This Diet Work?
A growing number of diabetic patients continue to surge, with an estimation of over thirty million in the US alone. Almost twenty-three million have been diagnosed, while seven million are undiagnosed. Children, adults, and seniors are all affected.
It’s important to understand how to properly manage your condition. However, a lot of persons do not acquire much diabetes education due to varying obstacles. It could be a lack of insurance coverage, lack of access to a diabetes guru, etc. This is where online programs come in handy.
Diabetes Program aims to help patients improve their diabetes self-management. But, is it really worth your time and effort? People are heavily divided in this matter. Some agree about its potent benefits, while others claim it’s all about the hype. Make sure not to skip a bit reading this thorough review to give you a strong insight!

Diabetes Freedom Review: Diet Overview

Suffering from diabetes is both a painful and costly experience. Not to mention the stress it gives thinking about the other days you’ll have to deal with it. Hence, putting your body in deeper trouble.
Some people opt for self-medication due to the unwavering cost of the treatment. This might be tempting, but results might be too far to determine. When left untreated or your self-medication goes bad, further risks occur. These include heart disease, blindness, and stroke.
Here’s a great solution: Click Here To Learn More
Diabetes Program is a 2-month program that is deemed effective in reversing diabetes naturally. Not only will it assist to ease diabetes, but it will also tackle the root cause – which is your fatty deposits (ceramide compound). They tend to heighten your levels of blood sugar. It has been discovered that ceramide toxin is extremely high in people suffering from diabetes.
Those fatty deposits will be thoroughly cleaned out. Whether you’ve been living with it for years or you’re recently diagnosed, and regardless of your gender and age, this fantastic program delivers peak changes to your body and health.

What is Diabetes Freedom?

Diabetes Freedom is an online tutorial program that contains natural techniques and tips to reduce or remove diabetes symptoms for good. It saves you from the several side effects and disappointing outcome of taking a supplement or tablet. Here, you will be guided on how to control levels of sugar, insulin, and blood glucose, alongside other related topics to help you return from your usual life. James Freeman & George Reilly developed this program, thanks to their effort and hard work. The program is based on different studies from different reputable institutions, including the University of Utah, Harvard Medical School, and Texas University.
It also has a list of chosen foods, along with some combinations that are proven to generate health benefits. They are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and phytonutrients with some ingredients like lignans and flavonoids.
These ingredients do not consort with any chemical side effects, which adds an extra appeal to the patients. What they do is improve insulin levels, so your metabolism is in full swing.
By following the Diabetes Program strictly and daily, you can significantly improve your overall health. Therefore, cutting down the cost of injections. It can be the best solution you can have, considering the many associated health risks that accompany diabetes.

Who is the Creator of Diabetes Freedom?

As have mentioned earlier, George Reilly and James Freeman worked together to create a program that can aid diabetic patients. George was a Type 2 diabetes survivor who was at risk of surgically removing his legs. He had tried several types of medications, but none of them worked. In fact, his condition only got worsen over time.
Imagine what it feels like to be told that your legs need to remove due to severe diabetes. But instead of losing hope, he looked for a second opinion with the help of Dr. James Freeman. That’s where his legs and life were completely saved. No, it’s not about the super expensive treatments or medications.
Meal timing and proper nutrition are the keys. He learned that these two methods aid in clogging out fatty deposits within the body and thus, alleviating Type 2 diabetes. And, that’s what the program boasts.
James Freeman is a well-known doctor from Japan. He is prominent worldwide due to his outstanding contributions to the medical field – specifically in diabetes management. Doctors typically prescribe a certain drug to help control the condition. This is not the case with James and other experts in Japan, though. They primarily focus on what causes the problem, so it won’t strike back again.

What is Inside the Program?

This smart guide covers three easy step approaches to reverse diabetes and its supplementary symptoms. You can easily read the content or watch the video anywhere. Whether in mobile phone, tablet, or computer. A hard copy can be purchased for the whole reference.
Adhering to this program will effectively relieve Type 2 diabetes, promote weight loss, and strengthen overall health functions. Here are the powerful steps to get you started: Click Here To Learn More
Step 1: The Pancreas Restart Nutrition Plan
With a core goal of addressing and destroying fat cells that obstruct the pancreas from working properly. It offers a restart, so the organ will start firing up again while balancing blood sugar levels. Therefore, helping diabetes to go in a release.
To sum up, the first step works towards stating everything you should follow – foods to eat, the perfect time to eat, and things to do. All are shown in a video.
Here are the 5 video programs included:
  1. Suppress hunger and keep on track easily.
  2. Detox the liver and clear out toxins to encourage better memory, energy, digestion, and brighter skin.
  3. Detox teas to control appetite, meltdown fat cells, and reduce blood sugar.
  4. 7 important weight loss shortcuts.
  5. List of delicate desserts you can try without compromising your health.
Do you have an idea about what they call a “secret recipe” that claims to decrease blood sugar by up to thirty percent? If not, this step will feed up your curiosity too. That secret recipe is recommended to take up daily before mealtimes.

Step 2: The Metabolism-Boosting Blueprint

Now in this step, you will figure out the perfect ways to slip in activities to increase your body’s metabolic activity. Each activity is known to dispose of terminal white fat and protect yourself from the risks of diabetes.
It is a two-minute fat burning routine that can be done either in your home or office – whichever suits your schedule well. Plus, anyone with any fitness level can perform these activities with trivial efforts. You neither have to use the complicated nor luxurious workout equipment Click Here To Learn More .
Moreover, the creator has also mentioned three drinks that can help lower your sugar rate. So, you can eat whatever pleases your palate while being healthy at the same time.

Step 3: Meal Timing Strategies

Another video guide that shows the proper schedule to eat certain foods, like desserts and carbs. If timing is deemed important in preparing foods and drinks, the case is also similar to reversing the symptoms of diabetes.
It tackles:
  1. The kinds of food you should eat and the right time to do so.
  2. 60 seconds breakfast tricks or hack to keep your stomach in full battery and beat hunger. It also tends to boost your energy level.
  3. List of delicious desserts and snacks to add to your healthy diet. You can consume any of them every time you need a delicious boost without feeling guilty.
  4. Many other surprise free bonus programs
Generally, this step helps you melt stubborn fats on different body areas (thighs, belly, buns, back), get better sleep at night, and improve energy so you can complete any pending or approaching projects with full ease.

How Does Diabetes Freedom Work?

What most people don’t realize is that sugar and carbohydrates are not the main culprits of diabetes. Rather, it is the small lipid particles. Your pancreas is not only affected by it when you have diabetes. Your other vital organs, such as liver and heart, are intensely damaged too.
Mainly because the fat brooks throughout the body and then clings to these organs. The more fats to stream in the blood, the more issues befall. Diabetes Program works by helping you prevent fats from going through your bloodstream and blocking vital organs Click Here To Learn More .
While it is not a magic supplement or capsule to get rid of the symptoms, it is much more natural and cost-efficient. Talking about the side effects, again, it doesn’t include such. It doesn’t require any expensive procedures or medications to produce significant changes.
Some of the foods and ingredients mentioned can be found in most household kitchens. Among these ingredients recommended to take by the creators are cinnamon, chives, grapes, and dark chocolate. They taste delicate and are usually part of healthy diets.

But, wait – Isn’t Chocolate Known to Make You Fat?

This is a question you will often hear. Well, we can’t resist the appetizing smell and taste of chocolate. Almost everyone has developed a sweet tooth due to this food.
Back to the question, chocolate can actually make you fat since it is high in sugar, fat, and calories. Eating a lot of it will cause your gain to escalate rapidly Click Here To Learn More .
However, a little chocolate could give you some health benefits – especially dark chocolates. Several studies suggest that moderate intake of it will help increase insulin sensitivity, lower down blood pressure, and enrich total cholesterol levels.
What’s more, chocolate is rich in antioxidants such as catechins and polyphenols. Therefore, strengthening your cardiovascular health. So, there’s no reason not to eat your favorite dark chocolate at some point. Just limit what you eat.

Who Should Use Diabetes Freedom?

As the product’s name suggests, people with diabetes – especially Type 2 diabetes – can depend on the program to lose fats, reduce diabetes, and promote many other benefits. It claims to work for all, regardless of how long the disease has been aggravating your life.
Those with a strict budget and cannot afford to pay for the total treatment can also use Diabetes Freedom. Mild or moderate, there could still to ease up the pain.
Remember that George Reilly came to a point when his legs need to be separated. If he made it till the end without sacrificing any parts of his body, you also have the capability to achieve the same thing. As they always say, consistency is your best companion.
Results vary. One may notice results within weeks or months of proper execution. Human body functions do not work similarly. But one thing’s for sure; you can expect improvements once you put in a sufficient amount of effort.

Who Shouldn’t Use It?

Most people are easy to be enticed as soon as they spot something that promises to aid with their condition. That’s a normal reaction, though. After all, you want to get treated as early as possible to fulfill those travel goals, achieve your dream occupation, etc.
But in the case of the Diabetes Program, the number of patients who are eligible to use it is only restricted. Children under eighteen years old are clearly not advised to integrate it.
Breastfeeding and pregnant women are prohibited too. Note that pregnancy is a very sensitive stage. You should be careful about everything you do and throw out in your mouth; otherwise, the innocent infant would take the risks.

Pros & Cons

Reviewing the program wouldn’t be complete without the renowned pros and cons. You will usually find more lists of benefits upon browsing the internet.
Here’s what we found so far: Click Here To Learn More


  • A completely natural method to address blood sugar, blood cholesterol, and insulin levels to relieve Type 2 diabetes
  • Allows you to become detached on prescribed medicines or supplements
  • Includes all the foods you should and should not eat
  • Promotes natural weight loss
  • Provides you with a good memory, clearer skin, and improved energy
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Helps you attain a stress-free life
  • Easy and highly convenient to follow
  • Do not propose side effects of any form
  • Affordable, so anyone even with a restricted budget can obtain a copy and follow the entire routine
  • Access to your devices anywhere and at any time of the day
  • Offers three bonuses along with the program
  • Comes with a 100% money-back guarantee


  • Since it is a digital product, you need to have a stable internet connection just to get access
  • There is no physical status available
  • It is not an overnight solution, so patience is a virtue
  • Not everyone can use the program

Where to Buy Diabetes Freedom and Guarantees?

Anyone who has an interest in purchasing Diabetes Freedom can get it on the official website. It will only cost you 37 dollars, which is relatively cheap. You may also become eligible for free bonuses worth 147 dollars.
Bonus 1: The Fat Burning Blueprint that facilitates unwanted fats, improved energy, tightened skin and increased mood.
Bonus 2: The Stay Young Forever Program consists of some secrets on how to change poor habits to achieve a youthful body.
Bonus 3: 33 Power Foods for Diabetic that includes recipes and foods to satisfy your tummy and health.
Since Diabetes Freedom is a digital product, you don’t need to wait for a maximum of days or weeks to get it delivered. Get instant access once you place an order. Download, read, watch, and then implement all the routines as long as you want or until the symptom has totally alleviated.
You might be wondering if the program contains moderate or intense exercises. There are actually none. George and Dr. James made sure it is suitable for anyone suffering from diabetes. And since most sufferers’ age ranges from 40 and above, older can also rely on the techniques and trips: only nutritious foods and other tips to help you out.
Diabetes Freedom may and may not work for everyone. In case you are not happy with the result, you can use the 60 days money-back guarantee offer and get your money in full. You simply have to contact the customer team and provide some basic information. Again, the transaction is made less hassle since it is made online.

Diabetes Freedom: Conclusion

Fighting with Type 2 diabetes without understanding its root cause is like going in a fight without proper weapons. Defeating your ‘enemy’ seems too tough to handle. That’s what Diabetes Freedom promotes.
The program offers you an all-natural, simple-to-follow solution to exterminate the condition permanently and live your life to the fullest. The 3-step procedures mainly focus on proper meal timing and nutrition.
Everything included here is completely safe and are backed by scientific studies and research, so your sweat is highly guaranteed. It doesn’t only target the cause of diabetes but ensures your vital organs are also functioning at optimal levels. Click Here To Learn More
Leading a healthy life is definitely what you aim for, and you can start with using the Diabetes Program. You get 2 months to try it out and see if it will work. Plus, there are bonuses to receive. Miss out this opportunity, and you might regret it.
submitted by cheryldlovejoy to KetoDiet2021 [link] [comments]

[Online Poker] Poker Forum Help Homeless Player Attempt The Shot of a Lifetime.

Link to Previous Tales From 2+2: Poker player steals $1m+ chips and tries to sell it on 2+2 poker forums More Tales From 2+2: A Very Controversial $70k prop bet If you or a friend are familiar with online poker and want to see the unedited version of this post then click here
Here's another Tales From 2+2 post, this one is a bit longer but well worth the read. It follows the story of an online poker player posting on the 2+2 online poker forums and that takes him on the ride of a lifetime. I have made some light edits so it's easier to understand for non poker players, my explanations are within [these brackets]. If you want to understand how to play the poker watch this 3 minute how to play poker video.

Still Booming

The year is 2010.
The effects of the 2003 poker boom are still being felt and Black Friday [Black Friday is when online poker was forced to shut down in the USA, it hit the industry hard] is a year away.
Americans, Europeans, Australians and almost the whole world are playing side by side on Pokerstars and Full Tilt [The two biggest online sites at the time]. Hundreds of people are signing up for poker sites each day. Tournament guarantees are at an all-time high. Poker sites’ pockets are overflowing and sites are offering generous bonuses and promotions. Poker TV is popular worldwide and Poker After Dark just entered its 6th season. The 2+2 poker forums are in full swing, it’s the epicenter of poker communication. Dozens of threads are made on popular subforums like NVG (News, Views and Gossip) or BBV (Beats, Brags and Variance) every day.
BBV is a subforum of 2+2 where the moderation is far laxer than the rest of the 2+2. People often create posts showing off their tournament wins or lamenting huge downswings. After the initial post is made, the trolls would descend and replies like this were often seen:
Colin_Piddle: Ur a clown OP
Tank Home & Away: Somebody call Donald Trump. OP thinks online poker is rigged.
FranFran: Shut up. Idiot.

The BBV Post

On 20th Feb 2010 Jared Huggins, posting under RelaxedPrecision, visits BBV to vent his frustration over busting his meager roll playing 100nl HU:
RelaxedPrecision: Beat: HU vs drooler, lost my $100 bankroll ($100 table obv.)
He raised preflop every single hand including out of position.
Called 75% of my three bets with trash.
Only pot bet, regardless of board, his holdings, or position.
He is -$1132 in 2000 hands, -33/bb 100
We played 250 hands.
This guy was a corpse and I ran so cold it was insane. Only hitting any pair or a decent draw a couple of times. Twilight zone.
Brag: Not homeless again till the end of the month. Getting a third job today. This week I've begged for food at fast food joints and have scored two steak tacos and 1 piece of chicken.
[Jared is complaining that he lost the last of his poker bankroll, $100] The usual procedure in BBV is for the BBV regulars to berate the original poster, usually in meme form. Jared’s thread is no exception:
Sobad87: FAIIIIIIL, homeless shelters exist for a reason.
SmilingOrange: rock bottom itt
Sump: in b4 homeless
However, the thread takes a darker turn when Jared starts to post more details about his living and financial situation.
RelaxedPrecision: I'm 5 peanuts and 2 cups of water into my day. Finding some awesome links about food for broke people in LA. RelaxedPrecision: Last time round, 6 month period, I chose cruising the back streets near my job/sleeping in car, rather than driving hours per day to/from shelter and risking jail/car impoundaments/belongings confiscated.
Jared seems to be not only in dire poverty but also grinding microstakes [microstakes in poker is buying in for $2-10 dollars] for any cash he can get. He posts that the roll he lost was from a referral payment on a poker website but he cant’t withdraw it. The posters start to get a little more sympathetic:
FastPlaySlow: Wow. I feel bad for ya OP.
Kidlover: Keep your head up bro. Gimme a call if you want
A user named Airwave16 offers helps in his own way:
airwave16: create youtube vid of you dancing to around the world by daft punk in your boxers with a large sign that says "i love burningbend" and i'll ship you $30
Within 40 minutes Jared accepts this:
RelaxedPrecision: Never thought I'd do something like this, but I don't have much choice.
RelaxedPrecision: Don't want to go back to living in my car. Last month some guys tried to break into my car while I was inside of it. Terrible experience.
The next day, to the surprise of many he posts a video on Youtube of him around his room, just as Airwave16 asked. Unfortunately the video is lost to time but this small photo of the video remains. 2+2 posters start to show more compassion when they see how desperate Jared is for money:
mcfals02: Hilarious video. Hope you run good at life soon OP.
shikari424: If you've got a ftp [Full Tilt Poker,] account i'll ship something over bro[money could be sent between accounts], made me laugh
Ccuster_911 then offers a little more money for another challenge:
Ccuster_911 : Make a video of you going outside on the streets in LA offering people free HUGs(holding a sign ldo), I will ship you 30$, I want at least 10 random people being hugged
Others start to offer extra money to shoot this video:
cds0699: I'll chip in $10 for this.
Greeson08: $20 more here...$30 more if you paint yourself green before doing the hug thing.
Jared is very thankful for the support and lets his fellow posters know:
RelaxedPrecision: I'm really overwhelmed and surprised. Thank you guys so much, you have no idea how good it feels that people on 2+2 would reach out to me like this. I'm totally blown away. Thank you so much. This is one of the best things that has happened to me in a very long time.
Talked to the lady who rented me this room for 2 weeks. I got 5 days left here, then I'm back living in my car.
I am going to do everything in my power to get back on my feet. I am so close. Every suggestion, I will do. I'll dance for penny. I'll come to your house and clean your toilet. That's where my mind is at
A user asks for him to take a photo with ‘Free Pageh’ on his head, he posts this
swd805: that pic is disturbing
RelaxedPrecision: Mission accomplished.
Jared gives an insight into his mood while performing these tasks
RelaxedPrecision: Please do laugh at me. I laugh at myself as much as possible.
I cried twice. 1st when Airwave propositioned me and I felt different inside, like "time to get desperate man". It was a nasty feeling.
2nd time I cried, when I finished the video & began to ask myself whether or not I would do various things for $ & heard some of the answers in my head.
Both times I fought the tears back & realized I got no choice, need the $. So let's get some more ideas & keep this ball rolling. You guys are helping me, thank you
He also gives insight into his poor mental state and reveals that a 2+2 poster gave him a small stake [someone will send Jared money to play and Jared will split the profits]:
RelaxedPrecision: My friend (who's house I crashed at) is a pro MMA fighter , he lets me attend his MMA/BJJ class once a week. At class today, he yelled at me for doing a takedown wrong. I had a meltdown & broke down in tears in front of the class cuz I've barely eaten in 6 days. Shed 12 pounds this week. Just real drained.
Prop update: Got staked to play $5 Sit n Go's [a one table tournament] on FTP. 5 hours of play, up a few bucks.
4 days till I'm homeless again.
Jared tells a story and hatches a plan while working at his new job:
RelaxedPrecision: Today, this big husky girl with linebacker shoulders came in2 my job today to buy shoes...size 11. She looks exactly like a man. She had this big lady with her who told me the size 11 girl liked me. So I gave her my digits. I hope she calls me soon. If she calls me I'm going to try & seduce her & go live with her. Wherever she lives, I'm sure there's plenty of food.
Over the next few hundred posts the mood of the thread becomes caring and many people are asking Jared about his current lifestyle. He tells the thread about his struggles with permanent housing, a bad back, hunger and employment. He posts photos of his car (where he sleeps) and a video of him dancing at work. Jared reveals intimate parts of himself and his passion for writing and music. He also posts that he has encountered problems with substance abuse and has been sober for a while. The trickle of small donations from posters becomes a steady flow:
JeReMyHaSSpoKen: pm me western union or paypal And ill ship you some cash
Greeson08: Jared, hit me up on Skype. Sending $11.11 via FTP.
A month after Jared creates the BBV thread, March 9th, Jared posts the long awaited video of him hugging strangers that Ccuster_911 requested. Luckily, the video is still on YouTube. Here is the link. At this point he fittingly reveals his name is Jared Huggins and his nickname in school was Huggy. His fans love the video and let him know:
Doomriders: amazing nice job brothaa
cds0699: Very amazing vid and I wish you nothing but the best
Talking Poker: Video is awesome. Thread is awesome. You are awesome.
And he really enjoyed the experience:
RelaxedPrecision: I was surprised by the number of people who literally RAN into my arms.
It was a day & an experience that I will never forget.
If you enjoy the video half as much as I enjoyed making it, I'll be happy.
He tells 2+2 more about his life:
RelaxedPrecision: You guys reaching out to me is very much appreciated. I've had my fair share of obstacles in life. Born in a crack house, father died when I was 9, mother is an alcoholic, one brother a heroine addict, the other a crack dealer who was beaten and left for dead and never fully recovered his mind.
Last year ran bad at life...lost my job, ripped my meniscus in two places, had a terrible reaction to prescription stress meds..etc etc. I ended up living in my calosing contact with my family... cuz my cousin is hooked on muscle relaxers & vicodin and it hurts too much to watch people I love hurt themselves.We all have challenges, and obstacles. Life is tough for everybody.
I'm healthy, normal, moving in a positive direction
Jared’s birthday comes on the 12th of March and many posters wish him a happy birthday. At this point the donations from 2+2 posters continue and totals $1k. A few weeks later and Jared posts an amusing and NSFW story about living in a car. It’s long and not essential to the story so I won’t quote it. Read it here.
Jared thanks the community again:
RelaxedPrecision: I've never had people care about me like this before, let alone strangers.
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all of you.

The Big Game

Poker TV was very popular in 2010. The WSOP and other TV shows were broadcast across America and other countries. Pokersites were very keen on poker advertising appearing on TV, it was a very effective way to promote online poker sites. Full Tilt sponsored and regularly advertised on Poker After Dark. Full Tilt is even included in the show's title, which for a time prompted players associated with Pokerstars to stop appearing on the show. Pokerstars did not have as big a presence on TV as Full Tilt and they wanted to change that. How better than creating their own show? They would be able to have a majority of Pokerstars pros on TV and have players wearing their advertising patches.
Thus, Pokerstars created The Big Game. The Big Game was a televised cash game [a cash game is different to a tournament, the players' chips represent cash explained more here] with a novel concept: each episode featured a loose cannon. The loose cannon is a recreational player, who is given $100k to play 150 hands of high stakes poker. The loose cannon gets to keep any profits from their session and the biggest winner from the season also gets $50k in NAPT tournament entrance costs. Any Pokerstars player is welcome to try to become the Loose Cannon.
The line ups consisted of some popular pros who have a lively table presence like Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth and Tony G. It also had some of the strongest players of the time like Ike Haxton and Phil Galfond. Joe Stapleton made his debut on the show as an announcer. He who would go on to do a great deal of poker commentating over the next decade. Each episode aired on The Fox Network and
In the same BBV thread Jared started, one of the posters has a bright idea:
MasterWolf: I think you should apply to be a Loose Cannon on the Big Game. I know you'd get tons of 2+2 support, plus, you are awesome at making videos.
One of the Jared’s strongest supporters on 2+2 takes a keen interest in this idea:
John_Wray: THIS! Is this something we can make happen? I don't know anything about the process.
Others agree:
Rusemandingo: Would be amazing.
AyinHara: for the producers of the Big Game, this is an easy one. snap it up!
King Fish: PokerStars Steve was looking for 2p2 recommendations awhile ago. I sent him a text nominating OP but have not heard back. I suggest all of you PM him, and point him to this thread. Would make a much better story than anyone on here, and he has the video to back up both the story and personality already shot.
But how can Jared apply to go on The Big Game?
Pokerstars run several tournament qualifiers for The Big Game on Pokerstars. These are details taken from The Big Game website:
There are free-to-enter Big Game Round 1 satellites running four times a day. Finish in the top 300 and you’ll advance to Round 2. Make it into the top 1,000 in a Round 2 tournament and you’ll get a seat in the Big Game Final Round qualifier. All players that finish in the top 200 in the final will be invited to send PokerStars a casting video, telling us why you think you should be on TV’s best new cash game show. Impress us with your video and you’ll be heading off to Las Vegas to star on the show as a Loose Cannon qualifier. Once the video is posted, people will vote on the their favourite video.
The freerolls are popular and attract about 5000 people for each round 1 freeroll. Jared would need to finish in the top 6% of the round 1 freeroll then he’ll be in the round 2 freeroll, he would need to finish in the top 15% to qualify for round 3. In round 3, only 200 qualify to make a video. The round 2 and 3 qualifier only ran once a week so Jared had a limited amount of attempts.
John_Wray starts a new thread in support of Jared being considered to be a loose cannon on The Big Game. Within 24 hours the thread has over 400 posts, most of them people putting down their support for Jared to be on The Big Game.
Boosted J hears of Jared’s story and posts in the petition thread. Boosted J is the screen name of Justin Smith, a skilled professional player. Boosted J offers Jared a potential job, poker coaching and access to his private mental coach. Boosted J would go on to get Jared in a Dr Dre video as an extra.
At this point RelaxedPrecision is one year sober and life is looking good for him. He posts a video rapping about overcoming life’s obstacles. Daniel Negreanu notices and tweets about his rap:
RealKidPoker: Homeless guy Jared Huggins rapping about being sober 1 year, powerful lyrics. Guy has an amazing story to tell.
John_Wray reports that Jared has already started playing the freeroll qualifiers [a freeroll is a free to enter tournament]:
John_Wray: Jared's in a hotel tonight grinding the freerolls .
Jared is ready to play all four round 1 qualifiers on days he had free:
RelaxedPrecision: Going to grind as many of these things as humanly possible.
RelaxedPrecision: I got out my schedule for the month, there will be for sure be days coming up where I will play all 4 first round games.
Support pours in:
CrazyNL: awsome man gl
NomoneyHU: I'd like to wish you good luck man , i'm currently watching your video. Happy that things is going your way from now! I hope that you do qualify for the PS Big Game and ship all the manies.
Sump: I hope you win this and double up on Big Game, ship the NAPT Passport
People start to watch him play and offer him advice. Jared found the journey hard at times:
RelaxedPrecision: Watched guys ship all in preflop with 72o for 4 hours straight. I get an above average stack, get it in with 10 10, run it smack dab into KK. And encountered his fair share of bad beats: RelaxedPrecision: Survive that, get it in with. 58 on a 8s7h6d flop vs Js7s, turn and river are spades, and it's time for a cold shower. lol
[Here he is saying that he feels the other players in the tournament are not playing well but he feels when he played well he felt he was unlucky]
Jared starts a new day of round 1 qualifiers, ready to play all 4.
RelaxedPrecision: Fresh day of freerolls starts in 20 minutes. Playing more aggressive today. Feeling optimistic.
He starts playing a round 1 tournament qualifier and is doing well. He’s getting closer:
pokernutssss: 322/379! 79 to go GL jared
John_Wray: just fold into the win now. you've got enough chips
MicroRoller: Congrats! 1 down 2 to go.
RelaxedPrecision: YEEEEEEEEEEHAW!!!
Feels good to be out of round 1. Just gotta find a way to run good [getting lucky]!
The next day, Jared enters round 2 and plays this hand in the middle stages:
Poker Stars Freeroll No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500/t1000 Blinds + t250 - 9 players
BSKid (BTN): t47500 M = 12.67
bones_522004 (SB): t119200 M = 31.79
tanwaruw (BB): t59200 M = 15.79
carlo 1959 (UTG): t1500 M = 0.40
mydream4u (UTG+1): t16200 M = 4.32
berdootim (UTG+2): t47150 M = 12.57
dickblow (MP1): t1750 M = 0.47
Life Guru (MP2): t42350 M = 11.29
Jared Huggins (CO:) with 6s6c : t9300 M = 2.48
Pre Flop: (t3750)
4 folds, Life Guru raises to t2000, Jared Huggins raises to t9050 all in, 3 folds, Life Guru calls t7050
Flop: (t21850) TcQh7s (2 players - 1 is all in)
Turn: (t21850) Jh (2 players - 1 is all in)
River: (t21850)Jd (2 players - 1 is all in)
Final Pot: t21850 Life Guru shows 8dAc (a pair of Jacks) Jared Huggins shows 6s6c (two pair, Jacks and Sixes) Jared Huggins wins t21850 [Jared plays well and wins]
RelaxedPrecision: **** yeah
But then falls:
John_Wray: ugh. You played great though.
After Jared asks about poker training sites, Taylor Caby pops into the thread to offer Jared membership to his training site: CardRunners:
Green Plastic: Hey Jared,
if you'd like to try out CardRunners for free shoot me a PM, I'll have someone set you up over there.
After making a few deep runs in the round 1 tournaments, Jared has several round 2 tickets and is putting his newly found membership to good use:
RelaxedPrecision: Won 3/4 round 1 tournaments today. Now I have four round 2 Tokens saved. Watching videos all day tommorrow, and grinding more freerolls
A few days later and Jared makes the final round of freerolls:
Amnestia: gg, jared, good luck in round 3 Isitdur?: It would be the sickest rags to riches story ever if you got on The Big Game, Jared. I really hope you do it. Good luck in Round 3 I will be railing along with all of your other supporters!
Jared registers and plays a round three qualifier tournament and encounters this hand:
Preflop: Jared Huggins in MP1 with AcKc
UTG bets t1200, Jared Huggins raises to t3000, 1 fold, MP2 calls t3000, MP3 calls t3000, 4 folds, UTG calls t1800
Flop: (t14250) 3c6sKs (4 players)
UTG checks, Jared Huggins bets t10000, MP2 calls t10000, MP3 calls t1950 (All-In), 1 fold
Turn: (t36200) Ac (3 players, 1 all-in)
Jared Huggins bets t25000, MP2 raises to t26050 (All-In), Jared Huggins calls t1050
River: (t88300) 4d (3 players, 2 all-in)
Total pot: t88300
Results: Jared Huggins shows AcKc (two pair, Aces and Kings). MP2 shows Js9s (flush, Ace high). MP3 shows KdTs (one pair, Kings). Outcome: MP2 won t88300 [Jared plays well but get unlucky in a large pot and is out of this round 2 tournament]
Jared is out and continues to grind the qualifying tournaments. A week later and he registers for a round three freeroll and is going deep. A fan posts his position:
MasterWolf: Current Stats: 81,262 chips. avg: 142,959. position 247 / 348. Top 200 get in
Jared gets closer…
MasterWolf: 44 left. he's got 7th shortest stack in tourney. BUT HE CAN DO IT! Go Jared!!
Jared wins a key pot:
Jared gets increasingly close but is very shortstacked [doesn't have many chips]:
The railbirds [players who watch online poker] watch on:
__27__: Never been so happy railing [watching] a freeroll, this is some crazy ****.
Hard bubble and the tournament goes hand for hand [this means there is only 1 player left to go out, when they do all remaining players qualify for the video round]:
MasterWolf: 1 person left
Jared posts. He has qualified!
RelaxedPrecision: I can't believe this is actually happening.
Jared has done it. With the full support of his fan base Jared is one big step closer to getting onto The Big Game. The posters go crazy in his sweat thread and dozens of people congratulate him.
Afterwards, Pokerstatic interview Jared and he opens up about his difficult upbringing and life. Link to summary here.
Jared is very popular on 2+2 and has a keen fan base but not everyone likes the attention and donations Jared is getting. Later on a Jared opposition thread would be created. Here’s an example of opposition towards Jared:
Lchampag: Its just the way everyone here is completely giving this story all their faith. Just reminds me of those old people that get scammed is all.
I work in the coal mining industry. Pay starts out at around $20/h for the first six months(for"red hats") and then goes to around 25 after that for a general laborer. There are men hired at my mines everyday, come and get a freaking job! I guess this work is too hard for those that would just rather get handouts...
Some people were upset he was getting so much in donations. In 2010 he received $6k from 2+2 members. Jared’s fans respond with posts like this:
Srkbigdaddy: i dont know why people would bother posting in a thread that actually has a ton of heart with their snide and rude remarks. obviously its okay to post your feelings but if they are not gonna help the situation then they are pointless. you are basically just stepping on someone who is down
John Wray gives an update on Jared and his health:
John Wray: Jared is seeing his therapist again, and has just moved into a new place. He's very happy with it as it is within his price range and his landlord is a former deacon. They plan to attend services together on Sundays.
His bad back is still a big problem, one that needs to be addressed immediately.
Grayson Physioc also known as Spacegravy on 2+2 is a SNG [Sit 'n' Go, a one table tournament] crusher who fought his way from from microstakes to highstakes [A common story for skilled players to deposit $100 on a pokersite, fight their way up the ranks and turn it into millions]. He arrives in the thread and offers to fly Jared to Maimi and coach him, Jared flies out and posts this from Miami:
RelaxedPrecision: Spacegravy flew me out here to Miami to learn Sit N Go's, I'm totally blown away! He is an A+ human being! Haven't gone to the beach, haven't gone sight-seeing, haven't gone anywhere, just straight up grinding poker. Grinding as much as possible!
While in Miami, Jared’s mind is on making the best video he can to ensure he gets onto The Big Game. John_Wray helped, by the 28th of October it is finished and posted.
Jared’s Big Game Audition Tape
November the first rolls by and the audition tapes of all the qualifiers are uploaded and ready to be voted on. Jared is looking good and is in second place with 1.1k votes.
2nd November and Jared returns from Miami. He’s up $800 on SNGs from his time playing and getting mentored by SpaceGravy.
The weeks pass by. People can vote on one video per day so Jared’s fans are visiting and voting as much as they can:
8Nilor: Voting everyday btw. and got others to also.
The thread builds with excitement. With so many fans in the poker world Jared is sure to be selected to go on The Big Game. In December, Jared posts that all is going well with him. He has two jobs and a room to stay in. Jared gives a few updates:
RelaxedPrecision: When I'm not at work, I am working on my game everyday, grinding 50NL 6 max deep on Stars, going over hand histories, and getting coaching when I can.
[50nl deep is a type of poker played with 6 maximum players on the table buying in for $50-100]
2011 begins. In January the voting closes and Jared can only wait.
And then the news that Jared and many 2+2 posters have been waiting for is here. Jared notices an email from Pokerstars. He reads the news from Pokerstars about The Big Game.
He receives the results and rushes to 2+2 to share the news:
RelaxedPrecision: I got an email from PokerStars informing me that I was not selected to compete as a Loose Cannon on next season’s PokerStars Big Game. I wasn’t given any specific reason why I wasn’t selected, but I was thanked for trying out., thank all of you for supporting me and showing me love. To be loved was a dream come true for me. I'm convinced that love cures most illness.
Jared was not successful. It's crushing news to the community. All their efforts spent helping Jared onto The Big Game was for nothing.
The community reply to the news:
AlienSpaceBat: Wow, Jared, I'm really sorry to hear this
Isitdur?: So bummed to hear this news, Jared.
2ndUnit: I am very, very disappointed of this decision by PS. Don't let it bring you down Jared, keep going.
A few weeks pass and there’s not much news from Jared. He settles back into working and improving his situation.

It’s all over

Jared had not made the cut for The Big Game.
But it’s not all bad.
Jared is in a much better position than he was a year ago.
He has a roof over his head and steady employment.
The past year was a crazy ride for him and he’s made many friends from 2+2.
His poker skill is improving and he has top players coaching him.
But no one predicted what would happen next month.
In the middle of February 2011, a Pokerstars representative dropped into 2+2 to post unbelievable news:
PokerstarsSteve: The seven Loose Cannons scheduled for the July 2011 showing of The Big Game are:
Gonzales Cannon II - Sacramento, CA
Courtney Gee - Vancouver BC
Jared Huggins - Los Angeles, CA
Massimiliano Martinez - Rome, Italy
Cari Bershell - Las Vegas, NV
Kenneth Hrankowski - Vancouver BC
Anton Dunyushkin - Moscow, Russia
Jared Huggins is confirmed to appear on The Big Game Season 2. This is shocking to the community because there was no knowledge on 2+2 that he was even considered for season 2. The community erupts:
TayWolf55: GO GO GO GO GO Jared!
Almost exactly a year after living in his car and making his BBV thread he has the shot of a lifetime for fame and fortune.
But first, Jared needs to prepare for the biggest shot of his life.
Jared dedicates four months to preparation for going on The Big Game. He plays as much online cash game poker as he can. He has access to a training site and receives free coaching from top pros. To simulate The Big Game he plays 50,000 hands of 6max deep online [6max deep is the poker format played on The Big Game] and even plays tough opponents who would drop down in stakes to play with him.
In 2011 he makes three trips from LA to Las Vegas to practice and get used to live play. He practices chip handling, breathing and getting comfortable going from online to live. He reads Caro’s Books of Tells and would sit at the lowest stakes while studying every player closely. He never parties on these trips, just play and study.
He watches all 72 episodes of The Big Game Season 1 and analyzes every hand. While watching he would have seen Season 1’s biggest winner, Bob Ferdinand, win $181,500 and $50k in NAPT tournament entries.
In this time Jared remakes his Free Hugs video and once again, wanders LA shores with a sign and offers free hugs to the public. Jared uses some of the money from this video and donates $1k to charity. Reshot video here
The line up for The Big Game is announced:
Seat 1: Jared Huggins
Seat 2: Nick Cassavetes – A recreational player. Cassavetes works in the film industry.
Seat 3: Barry Greenstein – Poker legend known for his ‎Philanthropy
Seat 4: Vanessa Selbst – An aggressive and skilled player. Won NAPT Mohegan Sun Main Event back to back.
Seat 5: Antonio Esfandiari – An accomplished player who would go on to win The Big Drop for $18m next year.
Seat 6: Prahlad Friedman – An experienced cash game player. Played under Spirit Rock and used to crush online games
Reserve: Phil Lakk - An entertaining professional player.
There are certainly some tough opponents on this table. Fortunately, Jared has a recreational player on his left [at the poker table players on the left are more likely to apply pressure than players on the right. Because Cassavetes is a recreational player he should be applying less pressure on Jared than a pro].
The community reacts:
blackjacki2: hard lineup
J0hny: Best of luck to you !
Then the day of filming arrives. Jared drives to Las Vegas to play in the biggest cash game of his life. He’s had months of training for this one moment. Hundreds of people on 2+2 are following his progress and Jared will soon be broadcast across the USA playing with seasoned professionals.
Now, the story is almost at an end. You have three options on how to consume the finale:
  1. You can watch all four episodes of The Big Game to see what happens, links below. When you are finished watching, click the spoiler box below and read the end of the story.
  2. If you don’t want to watch all 4 episodes then I’ve posted some timestamped links of Jared’s biggest hands, I’ve linked one hand per episode. There are 12 minutes of clips. When you are finished watching, click the spoiler box below and read the end of the story.
  3. If you don’t want to watch any Big Game then click the spoiler box below and read on. [If you want to watch some of The Big Game it may be a good idea to watch this video I linked in the introduction again]

Full Episodes

Full episode. 1st episode
Full episode. 2nd episode
Full episode. 3rd episode
Full episode. 4th episode
Full episode. 5th episode

Highlights – Jared’s Biggest Hands

Jared Hand 1, watch from 35:00 - 37:28
Jared Hand 2, watch from 35:00 - 36:45
Jared Hand 3, watch from 39:40 - 42:10
Jared Hand 4, watch from 10:15 – 17:10


Jared did not end up profiting on the episode. He played until hand 126 of 150 when he ran his QQ into Cassavetes’ KK. Jared doesn’t hit and is off The Big Game.[KK is the second best hand in poker and QQ is the third best, so it was unlucky for Jared to get QQ and another player has KK. However, Jared was playing poorly and too passively in other hands in the episodes]
Posts from 2+2 were mixed, many posts in the thread were not kind towards his play. The community criticized some of the hands he played:
Jazzed23: the dude played like crap. No 3 betting, no bluffing, no floating and turn barrelling. he was playing scared and tight. Blew away $25k just by folding.
cobrastatus: How could this guy... get so much free coaching... and be so terrible...
trip_kings12: what a waste of a week for this show. Jared, the loose cannon, was almost unbearable to watch. I doubt I've ever seen a tighter, more scared loose cannon in all my years in poker.
[The posters here are saying that he was playing poorly and passively]
One fan posts this:
LolDonkamentz: I'll admit I was kind of disappointed with the result of this. I enjoyed all the build up and was really excited for this to be the climax of the Jared Huggins saga but it wasn't to be. His awkwardness at the table combined with his below average performance made for bad television
And Jared replied:
RelaxedPrecision: To you and others Donkamentz, sorry if I wasn't able to do my part to entertain you. It's a big show with lots of people on it, so I don't feel solely responsible for your entertainment, any more than I feel responsible for not hitting a huge hand. Thank you for caring about how I did.
Most of the posts were neutral or negative but there were still some positive posts:
kevmode: Gl to you in the future Jared. You are a nice guy, just block out the negative and think positive.
So, what happened to Jared after The Big Game?
After The Big Game, Jared stopped posting so much in 2+2 and he slowly faded from posters’ minds.
Shortly after The Big Game, he posted a post show reflection where he thanked the community, he spoke of how he enjoyed playing with the pros and his heartbreak after busting. He wished he had talked more and played some hands differently. He finishes with a final thought:
RelaxedPrecision: I'm happy and grateful for what this journey has been. I made some amazing friendships, saw amazing places, and had my dreams come true. I had amazing experiences, that I will never in my life forget, memories that I will always look back upon with a smile.
In 2012 he posted this post where he shared his battles with health conditions and how he still plays poker.
In 2016 he posted this in a thread about poker in developing countries. He wrote about living in China for 9 months.
Original Threads:
HU VS a drooler, lost my "roll"
**Petition to have Jared "RelaxedPrecision" Huggins for PS Big Game
**The Jared Huggins 'Big Game' Sweat Thread
Jared Huggins Big Game Trip Report-Thank You 2+2
submitted by GiantHorse to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

[Starting Sunday] November 3rd

Welcome to Malador

Welcome one and all to our 8th shard! That’s kind of hard to believe is it not? In any case it’s here, and now you will all be bombarded with some general information about this new world. I know that the real bit of information that everyone wants is the max claim size, so I’m just going to leave it here and hope that you all bother to read the rest of this.
Each shard we do is defined primarily by its technology level. For Malador, we voted on an Early Medieval technology level, which means that the world is roughly equivalent to where Earth was in the year 1100. That means that you can assume to have access to technologies that existed on Earth before 1100AD in your claim right from the beginning. Major technologies: the windmill, Greek fire, the concept of zero. Certainly not longswords though.
But we don't like to stagnate anywhere for too long. Players are free to continue developing technology in the world, introducing new improvements and innovations as they go. The usual way to do this is through a Weird Science Wednesday post. Over time, Malador will advance, just like a real world would. But we don't want it to happen too fast. Certain major technologies are going to be held in reserve. These are referred to as tier 3 technologies. They will be allowed in the shard eventually, but the moderators are waiting until a certain amount of time has passed before allowing players to develop them. Tier 3 technologies: Guns, Galilean telescopes, the printing press.
On Gunpowder
I know what you’re thinking, “Gunpowder was invented in the 9th century in China, and was used in warfare as early as the year 904.” Or something similar, I don’t actually know what you’re thinking. However, I can guess that gunpowder might be a bit of a contentious point for this shard, so I’m just going to lay down my most basic knowledge of the topic. So yes, gunpowder did exist in the time frame that this world exists in. So it is not outside of the realm of possibility for your claim to have gunpowder, and certainly that won’t be an issue. The issue is how it is used. There were early weapons used in China that did use gunpowder, but the first weapon that could really be defined as a gun in the way we think about guns today did not come around until the 13th century. So please save any guns until we get to the later years of this shard. Thank you.
What is CTW without a bit of magic? We voted on this and decided our magic level should be medium for power and high for scope. For those of you who are returning, that means magic will be roughly the same as it was in Whend and Aokoa. If you are joining us for the first time, I will explain.
Medium power means that you can have your standard D&D mage. You can throw fireballs, brew potions, enchant objects, perform spells, etc. Your magic just can't be world-breaking. Your mages can't be totally indestructible, they can't take on entire armies by themselves, and they can't use magic to summon an entire army (be it demons, zombies, or blob monsters). If we use X-Men as a comparison, you can have Magneto but not Dark Phoenix.
High scope means that magic is common enough that people aren't surprised that it exists, but it is still uncommon. The number of magic-users in any population is at most 1%, and the number of powerful magic-users is rarer still. Non-mages can still interact with magical objects, but magic cannot be ubiquitous in something your whole population uses. Except of course for the magic in the world around them.
Across the world large gateways exist that connect different parts of the world together. Some are close together, some are far, some are big, and some are far, but none at all are connected to the void or to more than one portal. Thirty pairs of portals are hidden across the map on land, sea, and flying island that players can find as they claim and expand. When a player claims a portal they will be given only the pair’s sizes and map locations, players can decide the rest. All players may also make a pair of portals within their claim (both ends in the initial claim area, size and location fully their choosing) or one shared portal pair with another player (with consent) (one end in one claim, the other end in another claim). All portals will be mapped so please include a portal location map in your claim post.
Portals are generally defined as “a stationary thing that connects point A to point B”, players may describe more aesthetic details about them as long as what is added is not abused for OP things. Players can say whether it’s a cube shaped window that changes the temperature around it or a dome vortex of aether that allows no magic through, etc. Players may not add things like “it sits on a platform on wheels that can go anywhere” or “it powers an infinite energy machine” and so forth.
Back by popular demand, this world has titans! Seven titans specifically, detailed below, exist in Malador and walk, fly, and swim along preset routes included in the map album. They are ageless, gigantic, not-explicitly-sentient magical beings that people can interact with, write about, and so forth, but no player, character, or nation can have sole control of them. A player may write about a titan walking past their settlements and leaving destruction or benefit in their wake, but cannot say a titan smashes through another player’s claim or shoots lighting over the enemy during a war, and other such abuses where the titans are puppeted for specific actions beyond what has already been stated. Below are links to the titans original submissions so players can get all the details about the titans, as well as read a more thorough explanation of what a titan is in the post itself.
Life and Death and Love and Birth, Peace and War on Malador
If a group of players wants to kill a titan, they must first get permission from the creator (unless they’ve gone NPC), then ask the mods in the Schedule Sunday, then put some sort of post out to let people know that this group wants to kill a titan so any other objectors can step forward. Any claims that worship the titan or have plot plans with it have the power to negotiate or veto the hunt. In that event, the hunters can pick another titan. We do not want players to worry about their plots being thrown out the window by other players without their consent. However, any player can write about already dead titans in their claims without prior approval (though our power-gaming rules still apply). Halfway into the shard a special event will be held for another round of voting to add three new titans to the world. Only the players that made the seven winning titans cannot submit new titans.


Toroq, The Living Mountain
A massive four legged stony beast with metal and ice infused tusks, a mane of vines and kelp over a pair of gills, a long wolf like tail, and a forest growing across its entire body. Each paw print Toroq makes is an oasis, whole forests grow in its wake, and it spreads seeds with every wave of its tail. It picks up all forms of life in its travels and these may spread along its path. Toroq photosynthesizes for sustenance and does not sleep but occasionally enters a trance-like state as it watches the moon pass by. It is a gentle titan that moves around settlements, provides for many creatures, and does not fight unless attacked, but can be vicious if it’s life is threatened.
Juala Mukhi
A volcano in the form of a woman, with plumes of ash and lava cascading from her head. Fine volcanic ash falls all around her and deposits beneficial nutrients and minerals in the soil. From her feet clouds of thick smoke billow up, carbonizing organic matter and snuffing out the lava’s flames. She may slumber for years between marches, only to emerge from certain volcanoes around the world and march over a familiar route. At the end of each march, she lies down in a mountain range, rock melting and forming around her until she is barely distinguishable from the other mountains. There she lays roots into the earth and leeches rocks and other minerals to replenish her reserves. She is indifferent to people unless her life is threatened.
Tl'ona is not so much a turtle with an island on it's back so much as island that happens to be mounted on a turtle. This green-hued, 300m flying turtle passes over the land, surveying the sky with majestic yellow eyes and gaining sustenance from the sun while an entire ecosystem, supported by meters of soil, enables numerous plants and small animals to thrive about. Tl'ona's nutrients mostly come from the birds it eats, which it attracts using unique vocal signatures--the same way that it repels certain animals it doesn't like. According to myth, Tl'ona fought for the sky from a jealous earth deity and gained the earth on its' shell by fighting it there. In reality, it is a gentle giant, and will not attack unless provoked. But when it does, it's fins can smash through wooden fort walls, and it's shell is hard enough to repulse steel objects; the titan is even willing to go near to sapients, or at least as near as it can get. Tl'ona can often be found residing near flying islands, however it will sometimes leave these island to explore the wider world.
Hacro Yucra
With limbs thicker than Sequoias, hide like a cliffside, and a cavern of a mouth. Hacro Yucra straddles the mighty rivers that it calls home, ever widening the riverbanks with its stomping feet. Its skin is hard and full of thick osteoderms made from ingested minerals, titanic barnacles, and smooth river stones. Coating Hacro Yucra's legs are jungles of plant life that sweep the riverbed like drag nets, keeping the water free of debris. Many animals follow the great beast to feed off its walking feast, birds chief among them. They nest upon her back and scavenge the nets below. When Hacro Yucra eats she must lower herself to the water and open her enormous bovine mouth to suck in many metric tons of water. When she sleeps she digs deep into the riverbed and rests with her mouth open, the whirlpool from her slowly filling jaws drags down even the strongest of ships. While she treks from river to river, moving up and down stream from the end of one to the start of another, she also journeys across land, her pores weep gallons of water to carry her favoured lands with her and leaving a trail of new wetlands in her wake.
Finno the Lonely Whale
Drifting with serenity and grace through the clouds it dwarfs is Finnoo. She swims through the sky with ease, the sun painting her skin in glistening blues. Finnoo calls in deep, beautiful songs of her lonely sorrow, her search for another like her. The melodies attract all comers, who she may befriend in time, but one must be wary of her indiscriminate taste in avian morsels. While her diet of airborne prey is the most known, some have watched this colossal being swoop down almost to the surface to gulp down a handful of trees. Finnoo in her quest for companionship will often return to places where friends are found. Those who wish to harm her are unlikely to see her twice for however minuscule their attacks maybe they still wound her lonely heart.
An absolutely colossal whale-like creature covered in bioluminescent patterns and strange tendrils. Aquarius is the lone lord of the seas, outliving other aquatic titans it wanders alone, encircling oceans and winding between islands, drifting with the ocean currents. It surfaces now and again to see what is happening on the land it passes by, curiously watching the developments made by tiny mortals. When it spots its old friend the titan Finnoo floating above it in the sky, it always tries to breech the waves to reach it, jumping as high as it can. One must hope that there are no nearby shores, as the return to the ocean can create powerful tsunamis. As Aquarius swims, it drags the ocean and wind currents around it, bringing frosty cold snaps to the tropics, and humid heatwaves to the Arctic circle. Its appearance is heralded by the strange winds and wave patterns, but also by curious luminous wisps. Sailing near the titan can be tricky, but for the intrepid fisherman, bounty may be found in its wake.
Maracaibo is a powerful stormcloud stretching up to 3km. Frequently illuminated through flashes of lightning, this roaming cloud constantly drops torrential downpour on the earth beneath it. Maracaibo floats in search of water, the most important substance to this titan in order to maintain the constant rainfall beneath its cloud. Maracaibo will often follow large rivers inland and then slowly make its way back to the sea. Maracaibo rains constantly, the heaviness depending on how well-fed he is. He frequently gives off uncontrolled bursts of lightning that may strike anywhere. He eats moisture and is always in search of more of it along coasts and rivers. When particularly hungry he can form a tornado to pull more moisture out of the ground. Heavy winds accompany Maracaibo, which he uses to push himself along in his eternal search for water.

Schedule Sunday

From here on out, the rest of the information in this post will act as a general Schedule Sunday, because today, is in fact Sunday.
Posting and Claim Guide
World Map
Big thanks to our map guru ophereon, our map mom TechnicolorTraveler and most of all our brilliant cartographer dontfearme22 for putting this together. The map mistress technicolortraveler is going to be keeping the map updated for us as we go forward.
Malador has a functionally Earth-like climate with a couple exceptional spots. There is an equatorial region in the middle, getting colder as you move north or south. There are different biomes, and I hope the textures on the map are self-explanatory for indicating what those are.
Current year: 1CE
Maximum forward lore: 3CE
The maximum allowable year is just that, the year that is the upper bound for the given week. At the end of the week, I will average out the years that people set their posts in and determine the new official year based on that. If no one mentions a new year, I’ll just advance the clock by one year.

Weekly Events

Weekly events are a mainstay of Create This World. Any player can request a weekly event, and if the spot is open, you will be granted your request and it will then be up to you to write a post for that event. SCHEDULE SUNDAY - This is today. I will be posting these weekly, mainly to keep tabs on everything going and make sure everyone can get signed up for the events they want. I’ll also post any news or updates here, as well as the NPC list when it comes time for that. MARKET MONDAY - Our classic interaction event. Players will bring a market or commerce center in their claim to life, and have it be the settings for all kinds of interactions. Hosts should keep players aware of any important rules of trade in their claim as some players may wish to keep their interactions strictly professional. Others may want to use this time to set up some storylines between characters of their creation. This will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis, so if you are interested in hosting, make your request early.
Upcoming Hosts:
November 11th - xGugulu
TECH TUESDAY - Another classic event. Are you ready to bring new technological wonders and innovations to the world? Then look no further! Tech Tuesday is our day for giving the world brand new inventions that may have the possibility of affecting the world at large. Again this day will be assigned upon request, but anyone requesting must PM one of the mods to inform them of what technology you intend to create. This is simply so we can make sure that your technology stays within the scope of our time frame and is not overly powerful either.
Upcoming Showcases:
November 12th - GotUsernameFirstTry
WANDER WEDNESDAY - One of my personal favorite events. The world map is quite large, and further, not every inch of it is claimed and discussed in detail. So, since the point of this subreddit is to create this world, we have this event to assist in that. Players who request this event will be able to write about some spot in the world, even if it is outside of their claim, and just tell everyone what is around there. Obviously you cannot do this within another player’s claim. Wanderer Wednesdays are not tools for bookmarking future expansions, it is still free to take until claimed. If players want to add new races for people in a WW post, then they should also plan on formally claiming the space soon. Anything that is out of scope, from fauna to technology will be reviewed by the mods as well. These events will be given on a first come, first serve basis, but your adventure needs to be approved by a mod, so PM one of us for that.
Upcoming Adventures:
November 13th - Unassigned
FEATURE FRIDAY - A true classic in that this is our oldest weekly event. It also comes with the bonus of being stickied on the front page. Meaning your work can be displayed for everyone to see. There are no specific rules for what your post should be, but you should strive to make it grander than your average post. Worthy of being featured. This event will be given on a first come first serve basis. You can view past FF posts here
Current - MamaLudie
November 15th - TechnicolorTraveler
November 22nd - TinyLittleFlame
Please comment below if you wish to claim a weekly event. All events will be given on a first come, first serve basis. MM, WW, and FF will all be freely assigned to whoever comments first. For TT you must PM a mod to have your tech approved.


submitted by MoaXing to createthisworld [link] [comments]

How Do I Implement An Effective Affiliate Program for My Online Casino?

A Solid Affiliate Program Would Bring Massive Benefits For An Online Casino
Starting an online casino will be a measure someone could take up the task and get it running if all the necessary setup requirements are being met. Most times, the challenge is how to drive traffic back to the site.
We cannot forget the fact that working on the site SEO, setting up PPC ads, advertisements on the media or even offline awareness are also great ways of getting good traffic.
Nevertheless, affiliates programs are far more reliable with better ROI, return on investment, if implemented effectively in an online casino.
Who are the Affiliates?
The answers you give to the above question will determine the productivity of the affiliation you chose. A professional or guru in a line of business should be someone that has ample knowledge of that business.
An affiliate is not just someone that runs a website and decides that he will be able to send traffic as an affiliation to an online casino. In online casinos, affiliates are majorly the users of casinos that got huge experience, they are the real players, but they do blog, video streaming sharing their expertise and experience with other users.
They know the way around online casinos, understand the gaming, and knows how to use their websites to pull traffic to their affiliation online casino.
Furthermore, they gain trust with their affiliate program by providing tips and tricks to users on their websites, forums, etc. Also, the effective online affiliate strategizes to build more links with SEO best practices, which in turn will boost their ranking on the search engine.
Achieving these measures automatically sets the affiliate website as a platform that gets traffic for monetization. This is now ready to send traffic to the owners of online casinos.
Affiliates program is an excellent platform for online casino operators using their affiliation for the best analysis, forecast, and optimal profit maximization.
How does an Affiliate Promote an Online Casino?
Affiliates use banners and referral links to direct traffic from their website to online casinos for promotion. The main aim is to drive traffic to these online casinos for monetization, and this practice has to be very useful for online casinos for its channeling of traffics that is most relevant for optimal conversions.
Another factor that makes this promotion very useful is that affiliate websites provide information that actually of high importance to the betting decision of users;
  1. Guides on gaming
  2. Rankings of online casinos
  3. Online casinos that have been listed on the blacklist
This information attracts online casino players; they search for it organically on the internet, in which the users will easily use the promotion links or banners on the affiliate website to access the online casino site of their choice.
Affiliate websites are mainly in two categories;
This category website portal targets a wide range of audiences cutting across almost everything that connects with online gaming.
A niche type of affiliate that its website portal focuses on specialized online casino.
What is Casino Bonus?
It is a strategy used by online casino operators to offer players on their site something extra as a casino bonus. Upon registration, they might decide to offer a no deposit casino bonus, in which some of them come with a wager first on the part of the player.
Other casino bonuses might be given as part of a promotion or a welcome back package for users.
How do affiliates make returns?
An affiliate gets paid by online casinos for sending traffic from their website to the online casino site. These payments come in different forms;
1. Cost Per Action( CPA)
This is when online casinos are offering a fixed rate to every user. A casino might decide to declare free registration, which in most cases, the users need to wager before the affiliates get paid. The affiliates pay an increase in rate as the user’s numbers grow.
2. Share in Revenue
In this model, affiliates partake in revenue sharing, getting some percentage from the net revenue generated from referred users. Most members prefer these models based on long-term benefits should it appear the users they refer to keeps using the same casino platform.
Online casino operators also prefer this model because it encourages affiliates to work harder in referring to quality users.
3. Mixed Type of Returns
This approach most times are given to top profile affiliates by casino operators whereby the CPA and the Share in Revenue are both combined as the casino revenue. At times some casino even makes upfront payments together with CPA and Share in Revenue afterward.
Providing a win-win platform partnership between your casino and the affiliates creates a more flexible and stronger bond for an effective program.
What Makes Affiliate Marketing Effective for Online Casino?
As earlier discussed, affiliate marketing for online casinos has many more advantages than other promotions done online. The following reasons will further quench the doubts;
1. Applying the tracking method
Web developers know their way around developing tracking devices in the form of software or plugin for effective analysis of traffic flow.
Online casino operators take advantage of this tool, using it for their affiliate links and banners for optimal analysis of different sources of traffic to their site. The result of these analyses provides a clearer picture of the most effective source of traffic, making the best decision on which affiliates program to switch to.
2. Measurable data analysis
Investing money in marketing online casinos, you might be able to figure out the exact amount of returns you make in other platforms of marketing. Still, with affiliate marketing, it is easier to calculate the actual returns even to the least amount spent.
These adequate means of measurable data analysis provides the online casino operators the advantage to know the more effective affiliate program.
3. Using a payment system that favors performance
If you consider payment based on CPA, click per action; it merely says I give you directly proportional ROI to whatever traffic you bring to my online casino site.
The higher the amount you payout to affiliate operators, you get the corresponding ROI for your investment. You make real sales from most of, if not all, of your traffic.
4. Building brand name and reputation
Running affiliate programs with established affiliates create conviction in the minds of users that your brand is trustworthy and reliable; this will provide long-lasting patronage from the user to your online casino.
How to Connect the Right Affiliates?
In choosing affiliates, there are best ways to make connections that will last on a very long time;
Place your adverts on media that specializes in this niche: When you place adverts for an affiliate program for your online casino site on adverts platforms, media, or websites that specializes in this, it’s easier to have a good analysis of the right affiliate that matches with your need and budget using their reviews and recommendations.
Announcing your intention: Telling persons you know in the online casino industry with word of mouth might be of great help connecting you with the right affiliate.
Visit conferences of affiliates program: Several affiliates program is scheduled occasional at different places across the world. Where they share their experiences, get to know more things on the field of specialization, and close new deals with operators of online casinos.
This will be a great platform to meet up and get a deal with the right affiliates.
Understanding the benefits of this knowledge shared in this article, the best ways to implement an effective affiliate program for my online casino, I believe it’s a positive game-changing direction for best practice.
submitted by ALT_OFFICIAL to u/ALT_OFFICIAL [link] [comments]

This course has 19 holes: 18 golf and 1 ass…

That reminds me of a story.
A bit of background: a few years ago I broke my back in 3 different places.
I know, I should stay out of those places.
It was the collective result of losing ~45kg, intense Hapkido training, and the snowballing result of repetitive stress injury from overdoing powerlifting at the gym.
Thankfully, I’m getting back to what passes for normal around here and bored silly.
So I irrationally volunteer to help out at some of the hundred charity events that are held in these parts:
“Save the whales”,
“Save the snails”,
“Save the bees”,
“Save the trees”.
Those sort of things.
Oh, yes. I’m in the Middle East, by the way.
Somehow, I allowed myself to be conned into being both a line official and refreshment guru for one of the thrice-annual golf outing charity events.
Once upon a time, I used to participate in this silly ‘sport’. However, since torso-torsion and torqueing of vertebrae are now beyond my milieu, the only question that remains is:
“Who wants to buy a perfectly good set of extra-tall PXG 0311 clubs?”
Well, it was a beautiful, balmy day out on the company links.
Temperature hovering around 320 C, offshore breezes 10 to 70 miles per hour, that sort of thing.
Curious thing, to golf here one must carry his own ½ meter square piece of Astroturf in order to tee-off as there’s no grass. Since there are no ‘greens’ around the pin either; waste oil is spread around the sand surrounding the hole, where one putts out ‘on the browns’.
Yes. It’s a weird place, but, ‘eh, it’s a living.
So, I’m puttering around the course in my official line judge cart and mobile refreshment vehicle (MRV); since my back, as is its wont, was playing up.
“Oh, thank you so very much! Great timing.” I curse my lumbar, thoracic and cervical vertebrae.
This causes my demeanor to change from my usual sociable though gruff and growly to downright tetchy and surly.
When I have a flare-up of back pain, I am forced to wear a positively medieval back-brace, with rigging of the sort that of which would confuse Admiral Farragut.
It’s uncomfortable, it’s hot and it essentially prevents me from bending over without first executing one or more of the seven basic ballet moves.
There are about 450 people milling about the links. I’ve made it ridiculously clear from the onset that the refreshments over which I now hold dominion are for participants only, not spectators.
The players have each ponied up the equivalent of US$500 for the right to play, where the proceeds go to charity. The winners get some really cheesy-cheap trophies, some slight admiration until the next match, but receive as much gratis ‘refreshment’ as they want during the course of play.
It’s a dusty, dry, desert country; but curiously, I always have loads of ice water left, but my beer supply requires constant pilgrimages back to base to reload.
Yep, they’re quite liberal around these parts and EtOH is OK, just as long as it’s kept unobtrusive. That’s the reason I carry a custom imported-from-the-US Circle K Polar Pop 100-ounce mug; filled with my ‘special’, dual-purpose medication and thirst quencher invention (i.e., treble vodka and Bitter Lemon).
Well, on the 5th ‘brown’, during a lull in play, as one does not hurry outdoor activities in this part of the world; one obviously ‘en-jolly-fied’ spectator wobbles up to me and demands, not ‘asks’, but demands, I give him 5 or 9 beers.
Personae dramatis:
TL: Tipsy lout (aka, Drunk Dickhead).
IJ: Irritable judge, i.e., yours truly.
IJ: “Are you playing here today?”
TL: (Grappling with the question like one grapples with an unpredictable bar of soap in the bath) “Um, no. So?”
IJ: “Sorry, sir”. Under my breath: ‘Stupid git’, “But these are for registered players only.”
Note: there are several kiosks scattered liberally around the course where anyone may purchase their desired refreshments, soft or otherwise, in just about unlimited quantity.
TL: “Don’t care. Gimme beers. Now.”
IJ: “Umm. How about ‘No’? Now please remove yourself as the next foursome is about to play through.”
He spies my back brace as I sit, ignoring him, in my official cart.
TL: “Well, crippo, I’ll just take them myself. Like, hah, what the fuck are you going to do about it?”
IJ: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you”, which I consider fair and sufficient warning. “You’d be making a truly bad life decision…”
Quicker than a bunny fucks, he’s in the cooler, rooting around and tossing beers all over the links.
TL: “Ha! Told ya, ya crippo…Fuck ya’!”
But he was addressing an empty cart. As soon as my warning was ended, I knew that it would have exactly zero effect on this defective organ-transport system. So, I painfully though surprisingly stealthily extract myself from the cart and stand immediately behind the malefactor.
IJ: “Told me what?”
TL: (spinning around) “Wha…?”
IJ: “Now be a good idiot, pick those up, put them in the cooler and get the fuck off my golf course”.
TL: “Or what, crippo?” he slurs, as he stands upright; a difficult task for him considering his present state and past genetic heritage and proceeds to give me a mighty, or so he thought, shove right to the chest.
Around certain parts of the world, that’s called “assault”, or battery; never could keep these two straight…
IJ: Sighing. “Oh, dear. Now you’ve truly gone and done it.” I calmly reply.
No. Not really.
Actually, what I said was something along the lines of:
“Are your relatives here? Because they’re going to need to meet up and discuss splitting up your belongings.”
TL: [hic] “You threatening me?”
Yow. This boy has a keen grasp of the obvious, as he swoops a looping haymaker in my general direction.
Big mistake, writ very large indeed.
He telegraphed that punch better than AT&T.
I saw it coming for what seemed whole minutes.
Easily enough, I stepped back a tad, let his hairy meat-hook swish by, took another step inward, and closed the gap where he’s off-balance more than normal.
I’m standing stock-still, firmly rooted to terra firma, right in his face.
As he tries to recover, I reach over, grab his left bicep. I then dig down a bit to isolate the muscle and apply just the right amount of crushing pressure that should send a sufficient message of pain to his addled pate that he has entered, colloquially, what we term the realm of “Deep Shit”.
TL: “Aaaggugh! Mother! Fucker!”
IJ: “I see that I have your attention.”
Thrash as he might, a bicep lock is a very efficient way of disabling and causing great pain, though the latter is just a bonus; to any boozed-up schmuck who seems deserving of such treatment.
TL: “Mother fucking OW! LET ME GO! LET ME go! LET me go! Let me go…please?”
IJ: “Nope. Not happening. You’re being a colossal asswipe. You shoved me and then tried to hit me. And me with a dodgy back. Worse, you might have caused me to spill my drink. You have angered me and made my mood even grumpier. Not a good idea.”
All the while, I was applying extra pressure, just to drive home my displeasure with him.
TL: “OWWWWW! Mothering Fuck that hurts!”
IJ: “Now, you’re going to be a good little asshole and pick up all these cans, wash them off and put them back in the cooler”.
TL: “OK, just let me go.”
IJ: “Nope. Not until you’re finished.”
Which presents the next foursome a really odd sight: yours truly, holding some waste of carbon firmly by the left bicep, frog-marching him around to pick up a beer, trundle him over to the bubbler, have him wash it off, deposit back into the cooler and lather, rinse, repeat.
Seven times.
My back may have been barking a bit but his bicep was going ballistic.
After all that brouhaha, I give him a good shove toward the gallery and release him like 80 kilos of wet liver.
I warn him to get off the course, get out of the rec center and preferably, out of the country.
Well, that ended that. The event drew to a close, and all was right in the world once again.
Until Sunday, the first workday of the week here.
I hear a slightly familiar whinge, look out of the capacious window of my office to see a certain person whom I last saw heading rapidly gluteus-first off the links.
Seems he’s a service company rep and was trying to sell us one sort of service or another.
I wander up behind him and grimly growl:
“I don’t think we’ll be buying anything from you today.”
He slowly swivels around, and we delight as all the color drains from his face.
Wordlessly, he gathers up his brochures, which entailed his stretching a bit so his shirt sleeve rides up and we see some lovely bruises blossoming on his left arm.
He slinks out, tail firmly between his legs.
In retrospect, perhaps we should have listened to his sales pitch. Imagine the discounts we could get just by making feints toward his left arm.
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